Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Operation Confidence

So, today I was cutting out magazines as inspiration for my project. Images of stick thin models strutting, endless images of shoes, articles about scandals and cheating husbands. Words like “fake”, “fashion”, “trends” and endless references to “body” and “fat”.

Then I came across an article. It was in a Dolly Magazine from late last year, the title immediately caught my attention; “Operation Confidence!”. So I kept reading. Tips and hints on how to become a new person for the new year. Ways to become more positive and confident, and I Quote “Part One: Start with the inside”. Wow… for once the magazines have it right.

But then it goes on to “Part Two: New year, new look” which is more like the stereotypical magazines. Surprisingly though, the article then changes again to “Part Three: Negativity is so last year”, and this it the bit that really got me interested.

My project is all about self esteem and self worth, so when I saw the next subtitle, “Operation self esteem”, I was very interested.

“The better you feel about yourself, the less you’ll base your sense of self-worth on your looks.”

I was shocked. A magazine has actually been on the right path for once. They are right in saying all of these things. Really and Truly, this article is going to be a great help for me. I can really see that there is hope.

This article ties in directly with my project, and so, it is going straight into my folio.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Finger Twist And Split

Everybody has to start somewhere. So, this is my start; My introduction. This blog is going to be based on my Major Design Project for my HSC. It will focus on my ideas, my findings and my works.

For a week now I have been trying to decide what to do for my major. Thoughts of working with food crossed my mind multiple times because, like my sister, I am a foodie. I actually had thoughts of designing a promotional package for her, but her complaints soon changed my mind.

The other day I was at school, listening to Finger Twist And Split by Cute Is What We Aim For, one of my favourite bands, I started thinking about why people, especially girls are so obsessed with fashion and having the best of everything. My conclusion? The media.

Almost every year at school, in PDHPE, we tend to look at ourselves, and usually our self-esteem. The fact that the media manipulates people in to thinking they are fat, or need that handbag to fit in, comes up so very often.

So here's me, thinking about why the media makes people, teenagers especially, so self conscious and vain. Of course, money plays a large factor, but that should not give the media a right to mess with people's feelings and thoughts! Being a teenage girl myself, I know how much pressure there is to conform, or to spend $720 on a handbag!

Personally, I don't own any label clothing; all my clothes are from department stores. My Year 10 Formal dress cost me about $25 to make, including the bag and wrap. The most expensive part of my outfit was a $30 pair of shoes from Target. Along with the fact that I don't like wasting money, I could not see the big deal! It was only the Year 10 Formal...imagine Year 12.

My theory is that confidence in society needs boosting. Everyone needs to look at themselves and forget the fact that they are too short, or too fat. And I'm hoping that my project will do just that.

I encourage you to comment with any thoughts or ideas you have, also any questions you might think of. This is really a tool for me to get some research and ideas. So please, if you think of anything, post a comment.